Thursday 11 August 2016

Golden Pillow Bread (Kampar Curry Chicken) by Yen Yee Hern

(Restaurant Yau Kee at Kampar Old Town)
(This photo took from Chowhound' blog by KLYeoh)
Most of the restaurant in Kampar, Perak offers 2 different flavours to be selected which are herbal chicken and curry chicken. For those who can’t stand the heat will definitely prefer to have the herbal chicken but the best “Golden Pillow Bread” which also called as the curry chicken. "Slowly slicing the big golden bread open to revile the delicious curry chicken that is wrapped by the soft bread bun" Can you imagine that??? So DELICIOUS!!! Many consider this as the greatest combination of food in the world and for some may even consider this as the match that made from heaven hahahaha.

(Curry Chicken)
(This photo took from Eddyrushfatboy's BlogSpot)
Some particular travelling trips to Kampar will definitely patronize this trip to a famous restaurant called Restaurant Yau Kee which is located at the town centre along Jalan Idris. This restaurant is a favourite stop for many travellers who want to try the famous Golden Pillow Bread. The curry chicken wrapped around with freshly rolled dough and the bread have to be baked until it is golden. It is just the most mouth-watering experience that anyone will have. The aromatic smell of the curry and the fragrant of the bread almost can make anyone dream about even after having it for the first time.
(Golden Bread)
(This photo took from Eddyrushfatboy's BlogSpot)
Not forgetting, they also offer take away services so that all of customers can continue to enjoy the wonderful bun and share it with their friends and family. Colourful and attractive design of the packaging makes everything looks great from the outside and they will not forget to state all of its important ingredients of this marvellous bun so that everyone can see what exactly they are eating.

(The packaging of the Curry Chicken Bun)
(This photo took from Angelinecpho's BlogSpot)
(Information of the Curry Chicken Bun stated on the box)
(This photo took from Sakthi-life's BlogSpot)

This is the information for you to eat your bread hahaha!!!
Address: 55 & 57, Jalan Idris,
31900 Kampar, Perak
Contact: 05-465 1738
Business Hour: 7:00 AM - 10:00 AM 
Monday – Sunday

Wait, wait, wait!!! Story haven't finish yet...
We also provide some recipe for you to make your own Golden Pillow Bread. It doesn’t look simple at first to follow all this steps but the end result of enjoying the delicious Golden Pillow Bread is the most satisfying part of all. So what are you waiting for, drop all your things and try it out!

Basic Sweet Bread Dough
(adapted from "Magic Bread" by Alex Goh) 
Ingredients A:
100gm bread flour
70gm boiling water

Ingredients B:
300gm bread flour
100gm plain flour
80gm sugar
6gm salt
20gm milk powder
9gm instant yeast

Ingredients C:
175gm cold water
60gm cold eggs

Ingredient D:
60gm butter

1. Add the boiling water from A into flour, mix until well blended to form dough. Cover and set aside to cool. Keep it into refrigerator for at least 12 hours. 

2. Mix B until blended. Add in C and knead to form rough dough. Add in A and knead until well blended. 

3. Add in D and knead to form elastic dough. 

4. Let it proof for 40 minutes. 

5. Divide the dough into required weight and mould it round. Let it rest for 10 minutes and ready to use. 

(my notes : to make two loaves of golden pillow bread, I did a 1-1/4 recipe. I put everything in the bread maker!) 

Ingredients for Curry Chicken:
50gm oil
50gm curry spices
8 shallots
500gm chicken
1 stick lemongrass
2 sprigs curry leaves
3 potatoes
6cm cinnamon stick
1 pc clove
250gm coconut milk
1-1/2 tsp salt
250gm water

1. Heat up oil in pot, add in curry spices and shallots, stir-fry until fragrant.4 

2. Add in chicken, lemongrass and curry leaves, cook until fragrant. 

3. Add in water, potatoes, cinnamon stick, salt and clove, stir well and continue to cook for 20 minutes. Add in coconut milk and bring to boil. 

4. Remove and set aside to cool it. Take 500 gm of the curry chicken and wrap it with aluminium foil or grease proof paper. 

5. Roll out the sweet bread dough. Place the wrapped chicken filling in the centre of the dough and wrap it up. 

6. Let it proof for 45 minutes. 

7. Bake at 175 C for 25-30 minutes.

Ding!!!! You can eat it hahahaha!!!
Enjoy!!! :))

1 comment:

  1. So nice!!!
    Can i have one bite????
    Just joking haha
